Thursday, February 16, 2006
There followed a bizarre series of events with the (then) PFA over the Mini-Imp. It was listed on the Approved list of aircraft for building and there was one example in the UK that I went to see and was given video footage of it flying.
So, even though it was not conventional, out of interest I ordered the plans set from the US. When I sent the plans into the PFA for scrutiny the M-I promptly disappeared from the approved list, eventually resurfacing as a one-off. My plans then seemed to disappear into a black hole.
After a frustrating year or so, in which time registration of the Corby Starlet project had gone through OK and work commenced, this aircraft disappeared from the Approved list. I went down to the PFA HQ to retrieve my M-I plans (having paid return postage) so at least I have the plans for a model.